All About Bocas

Bocas del Toro, home to indigenous tribes, amazing wildlife, pristine beaches and abundant fun.  Come and enjoy the islands just as we do.


Red Frog Beach

Red Frog Beach - Bastimentos Island   One of the main attractions of Bocas del Toro, located on Bastimentos Island,  is the beach names after the famous Red Frog. This beautiful red poison dart frog lives in the forest that embraces the beach. They...

Bocas del Drago / Starfish Beach

Starfish Beach - Boca del Drago   One of the most famous and beautiful beaches on the main island of Isla Colon, Bocas del Toro is Starfish Beach. The beach is located to the North West of the island.  This tropical beach is lined with palm trees and...

Hours of Operation

10:00am – 1:00pm
4:00pm – 10:30pm

3:00pm – 10:30pm

We are closed

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